How to Reverse Gum Disease

Gum disease affects most individuals at some point in their lives. While daily brushing and flossing, along with regular visits to the dentist for professional cleanings, can reduce the risk of gum disease, the fact is that the condition may still develop. Advanced stages of gum disease typically produce irreversible damage to bone and connective tissues; however, even severe gum disease can be effectively treated by slowing its progression and enhancing periodontal health. That said, the early stage of gum disease can be reversed in many cases, and our dentists offer an array of treatment options that can prevent gum disease from becoming more serious.

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, and can often be successfully reversed if diagnosed and treated quickly. Adhering to the recommended schedule of professional dental cleanings and committing to a thorough daily oral hygiene routine may be all that’s necessary to address gingivitis and restore gum health for many patients. In addition, individuals can take steps to reduce the potential for plaque buildup by eating foods that are rich in nutrients, avoiding smoking, and drinking lots of water throughout the day.

For patients with periodontitis, which is the second stage of gum disease, a procedure such as a “deep cleaning” may be advised. This routine periodontal treatment removes hardened plaque and bacteria deep below the gumline and provides a better opportunity for the gum tissue to firmly attach to the tooth roots. State-of-the-art laser dentistry can also be utilized in deep cleaning procedures to strengthen the seal between the teeth and gums, in addition to reducing discomfort and recovery time. In more advanced cases of periodontitis, procedures such as a gingivectomy or osseous surgery may be necessary to prevent gum disease from dramatically increasing risks to both oral and general health.

In conclusion, gum disease can be reversed depending on the stage it has reached upon diagnosis. Even if the condition has progressed to later stages where irreversible damage has occurred, gum disease can often still be treated and oral health significantly improved.

If you would like more information on gum disease treatment options at Thompson Center for Dentistry, please contact us today!